Tuesday, December 20, 2011

GEOG 1220: Assignment 1, Proposal

Assignment #1: Proposal

Resource: Forests- Mangroves
Country: Philippines
Activity: Aquaculture

Statement of Aim: “The aim of the paper is to examine the impacts of Philippine aquaculture on mangrove forests and provide methods of mitigating damage to mangrove ecosystem from aquaculture”

Key issues:

1) Implications of Aquaculture on Mangroves
a. Destruction of mangroves to make fish ponds and brackish water ponds
b. Aquaculture pollution of Mangrove and coastal ecosystems
2) The Role of Mangroves
            a. Mangroves role in an ecosystem
i. prevent coastal erosion
                        ii. prevent silting
                        iii. absorb pollution
                        iv. biodiversity
            b. The negative impacts of the removal of mangroves from an ecosystem
            c. Methods to mitigate mangrove removal
                        i. Sustainable mangrove regeneration projects
                        ii. Sustainable aquaculture locations and alternatives
                        iii. Grass roots mangrove protection initiatives
3) Aquaculture Industry
            a. The economic role of fish farming
                        i. Aquaculture revenue: Domestic and Exports
                        ii. Increase in food availability for a malnourished population
            b. The management of aquaculture
                        i. The implications of brackish water fish ponds
                        ii. Causes and sources of fish and shrimp farm pollution
                                    -Fish fecal matter
                                    -Eutrophication of nutrients in mangroves and coastal ecosystems
-Health problems associated with brackish water fish farming practices
                        iii. Solutions to mitigate pollution damage
-Better management of aquaculture location and operational efficiency
                                    -Improvements of aquaculture infrastructure and design
                                    -Improved fish genetics
                                    -Eco-labeling and consumer awareness

Annotated Bibliography

  1. Chu, Thai Hoanh. Environment and Livelihoods in Tropical Coastal Zones : Managing Agriculture-Fishery-Aquaculture Conflicts. Ed. J. W. Gowing and B. Hardy. New York: CABI, 2006. 1-16.

This journal provides and extensive background on aquaculture trends and the damaging effects on mangrove ecosystems. It also provides approaches to mitigating environmental disaster, such as: regulating farm operations and integrated coastal zone management.

  1. Samson, Maricar. "Growth Performance of Planted Mangroves in the Philippines: Revisiting Forest Management Strategies." Ambio 37.4 (2008):234-.

This peer-reviewed journal examines the effectiveness of different mangrove rehabilitation strategies. Some examples of analysis include: the effectiveness of planting mangroves outside of their natural habitat, the performance of surviving trees and the reversion of aquaculture ponds back to mangroves. This journal also examines the socioeconomic reasons why importance is placed on aquaculture and not on mangroves.

  1. Guerrero, Rafael D. "Eco-friendly Fish Farm Management and Production of Safe Aquaculture Foods in the Philippines." 3 Dec. 2008. Philippine Council for Aquatic and Marine Research and Development. 20 Sept. 2008 <http://www.agnet.org/library/bc/55003/>.

This journal analyses the environmental effects of brackish water fish farming, specific to the Philippines. It looks at the economic benefits such and livelihood and financial security, and weighs those against the environmental damages. It also provides solutions to solve environmental problems.

1 comment:

  1. I really appreciate it that you shared with us such a informative article. Thanks for sharing. dissertation writing
