Tuesday, December 20, 2011

GEOG 1200: Assignment 2, Pt. 1

Assignment 2: Human Geography and the Real World
Part 1. Outline

Article Title: Japan retail cash seeks Brazilian bliss
Author: Chikako Mogi, Reuters
Published: Globe and Mail, Sept 11, 2008

Article Summary:
Global economic turmoil is causing Japanese investors to explore markets that will cushion economic downfalls. Brazil’s economy is believed to have great potential that will outweigh the risks of a global financial crisis. Brazil’s booming market leaves great potential for self-sustainability, as it has a vast supply of natural resources and arable land. Despite recent currency depreciation, Brazil’s outlook remains positive due to a growing global population, urbanization and robust domestic demand. In today’s global economy Japanese companies are ramping up invest in Japan; Copersucar, a Brazilian sugar and ethanol company, are beginning to ship products into Japan, Japanese steelmakers are purchasing Brazilian iron-ore factories, and Japanese automakers produce more cars in Brazil every year.

Human Geography, Key Issues:

1) Globalization
a) Japans investment in Brazil is a prime example of how markets around the world are consolidating, and how political boundaries are being traversed everyday by international business and investment.
b) Brazil’s export of goods worldwide shows how accessible world markets have become

2) Ecumene
Brazil’s ecumene is rapidly shifting to an urban environment. Brazil’s abundance of resources compliments this and gives in a greater chance of success.

3) Transitioning Roles
Brazil is transforming from a semi-peripheral country into a core country. This is shown through their increased productivity, a recent development of this is there investment grade sovereign credit.


1) Title:  Brazil: the outlook for Brazilian equity markets over the next four years.
Source: Futures [0016-3287] yr:1998 vol:30 iss:7 pg:20 -23
This peer-reviewed journal provides insight on Brazil’s emerging economy into the 21st century. It contains evidence supporting investment in Brazil, and the increase in its equity returns.

2) Title: Doing business in Brazil: A strategic approach
Source: Thunderbird international business review [1096-4762] Gouvea yr:2004 vol:46 iss:2 pg:165 -189
This journal article elaborates on the foreign aspects of investing in Brazil; it covers the challenges and opportunities faced by Brazil as an emerging economy.

3) Title: Race, nation and diplomacy: Japanese immigrants and the reconfiguration of Brazil's 'desirables'
Source: Social Identities [1350-4630] Quan yr:2004 vol:10 iss:3 pg:339 -367
This journal analyzes the impacts of Japanese immigration to Brazil, and how this has affected Brazil’s growth. It looks at the goals of both countries to achieve “capitalist expansion and domestic tranquility”. It also provides information on investment relations.

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